▶ Why did you choose FITTERY?

It was the Chinese food but healthy that really got me all excited to try FITTERY.

▶ What did you like about the meals?

I liked how It felt like I was indulging but not deprived. It was the way the food was prepared which was healthier and portioned to my needs. Hence it was still within my calories and my goals.

▶ How does FITTERY compare to other meal plan providers you’ve tried?

I like the choice of Fusion and Chinese. I am an Asian at heart and having healthy Chinese food is such a plus when I am trying to reach my goals. I also particularly love how you can add protein to your meal which is great when I am at a building phase and trying to intake better quality protein.

▶ Did you notice any changes to your body during/after the meal plan?

Energy Levels were great. I was on Light and Easy meal which was a little small for me as I live an active lifestyle but surprisingly I still felt good and was able to go through my daily fitness activity and work.

▶ What is your approach to healthy eating and did FITTERY meet your expectations?

Depending on my goals at the moment but quality of the meal is at utmost importance. Food is to nourish our bodies but it is also a way for us to feel good, hence quality, moderation and taste is how I approach to healthy eating.

▶ Any advice to those looking to try FITTERY for the first time?

Trust in the meal plan and experiment around the right combination of plan for you. FITTERY has enough variety to truly keep you happy and satisfied.