Know Your Body
Input your details below to estimate the daily calories required to reach your health goals
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You can also see how this applies to our Meal Plan in the table below
Average Meal^
Meal Plan | Approx. Calories (kcal) | Avg. Protein (g) |
Avg. Fat (g) |
Avg. Carbs (g) |
Low Starch |
400 | 30-40 | 15 - 20 | 20-25 |
Light N Easy |
450 | 30-40 | 15 - 20 | 25-35 |
Healthy Zen |
500 | 40-50 | 15 - 20 | 35-45 |
Bulk Up | >550 | 50+ | 15 - 20 | 50+ |
Whilst government regulations generally allow 15% variance, we do our best to minimise this by pre-portioning key ingredients prior to cooking.
^ Above figures are based on USDA guidelines which includes a margin of variance for certain ingredients.
^ Macros and calories based on the average of lunch and dinner meals over 4 weeks. Breakfast macros may differ based on menu.